Episode 49: Michael Hingston

This week on the pod, Makda sits down with writer, publisher, and friend of the shop Michael Hingston to chat about his new book TRY NOT TO BE STRANGE. They discuss what makes something obsession-worthy, the value of books as aesthetic objects, transferable skills between journalistic and literary writing, and more.

Michael Hingston is a writer and publisher in Edmonton, Alberta. He is the author of the books Let’s Go Exploring and The Dilettantes, as well as the co-author of Harnarayan Singh’s memoir One Game at a Time. Hingston’s writing has appeared in Wired, National Geographic, The Atlantic, and the Washington Post. He is also one of the co-founders of Hingston & Olsen Publishing, makers of the Short Story Advent Calendar and other literary experiments.

You can order TRY NOT TO BE STRANGE here.

Find Michael on Twitter @mhingston or on his website.

Find Glass Bookshop on all social platforms @glassbookshop.


Episode 50: Arden Phillips & Moriah Crocker


Episode 48: Hannah McGregor