Episode 52: Emily Riddle & Jessica Johns

This week on the pod, GBR makes its triumphant return with an episode featuring two writers and interdisciplinary artists we all know and love: Emily Riddle and Jessica Johns. Celebrating Emily’s debut poetry collection THE BIG MELT and Jess’ debut novel BAD CREE, our favourite pair of besties come together to discuss the many kinds of love that make their lives full, the significance of writing the books they wished they had as teens, and the identity-affirming power of cultural knowledge.

Emily Riddle is Nehiyaw and a member of the Alexander First Nation (Kipohtakaw). A writer, editor, policy analyst, language learner and visual artist, she lives in amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton). She is the senior advisor of Indigenous relations at the Edmonton Public Library. Her writing has been published in The Globe and Mail, Teen Vogue, The Malahat Review and Room Magazine, among others. In 2021, she was awarded the Edmonton Artists’ Trust Award. Emily Riddle is a semi-dedicated Oilers fan and a dedicated Treaty Six descendant who believes deeply in the brilliance of the Prairies and their people.

Jessica Johns is a nehiyaw aunty with English-Irish ancestry and a member of Sucker Creek First Nation in Treaty 8 territory in Northern Alberta. She is an interdisciplinary artist and winner of the 2020 Writers’ Trust Journey Prize.

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You can order THE BIG MELT here and BAD CREE here (be sure to check out Cree & D too).

You can find Emily on Twitter and Instagram @emilyjaneriddle and Jess on Twitter @jessicastellaaa and Instagram @jessicastellaa.

Find Glass Bookshop on all social platforms @glassbookshop.


Episode 53: Jen Sookfong Lee (The Sequel)


Episode 51: Rollie Pemberton